@DrTCombs @sofio from our roundabout design manual it is advised to keep a car's length between the pedestrian an bicycle crossing and the car circle.

@DrTCombs @sofio and yes, it is formally not necessary to place sharks teeth before the zebra, but b/c most car drivers seem to magically forget what a zebra is for, we do recommend to put them there anyway. Some little extra paint doesn't hurt.

@DrTCombs @sofio Yield to oncoming cars (those could hurt you), but please plow right through those pedestrians.

@Andres4NY @DrTCombs @sofio Does a zebra have a legal status in the US? Apart from the fact that legal status snd compliance are different worlds...

@Marrekoo @DrTCombs @sofio Yeah, "jaywalking" is illegal at the local/state level pretty much everywhere in the US, but crossing is legally permitted at intersections and where marked by zebra crossings like that.

Because everything's pushed down to states & municipalities, there's 50+ different legal standings with most taking guidance from federal standards, but there's probably weird exceptions out there.

@Marrekoo @DrTCombs @sofio They are legally required to yield to pedestrians in a zebra (or in an unmarked crossing), although again this is a state-level thing. It's hard to say that's 100% true for all US states, and states add exceptions all the time.

Like, here's Florida's "you have to yield.. unless there's a ped overpass, in which case squish away!" clause. How close does the tunnel or overpass have to be? Who knows!

@Andres4NY @DrTCombs @sofio whoa. Having traffic regulations concerning such uniformly presented objects vary along states is actually a bit beyond my comprehension.

@Transportist @sofio well, the ramps could have been put wherever they needed to be.

@Transportist @DrTCombs @sofio What I find fascinating is that many roundabouts are connected too tangentially to the circle, which won't slow down cars sufficiently.

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