So, I reported that school bus driver today. The one that shouted at my kid, blasted through a stop sign where we were waiting to turn, and has lately taken to honking at us loudly when we pass each other on the road.

Kids should get to ride their bikes to school without feeling like the school bus driver is out to get them.


It wasn't how I'd hoped to spend my morning, but the honking issue has become absurd. Yes, I know you recognize us. Yes, I know you have a grudge against us. Yes, you have indeed succeeded in freaking us the eff out.

I am somewhat worried about retribution. Should the district do anything about my report, the driver will most certainly know who filed it. It's not a good feeling.

I have been told "the team will be addressing [my] concern."

@DrTCombs Drivers don’t understand that when a cyclist hear a horn, it is a surprise and a burst of adrenaline flows and some can lose control of their bikes.

@linnefaulk especially when that bicyclist is a child...or a parent with a child!

@linnefaulk @DrTCombs

And the LAST thing you want to do on a bike when you hear a horn is react hastily.

I've had to explain this repeatedly in very small words to "friends" who think it's "friendly" to honk at me when they see me in traffic.

(Doesn't apply to school bus scenario but:)

1. I probably can't tell which car is honking.

2. I won't recognize the car.

3. I can't see the driver, so won't recognize you.

4. I'm busy trying not to get squashed.

5. So please: Just Don't.


oh no

I saw this post and thought you might be talking about a goose. Then I opened the rest of the thread and now I'm disappointed & a little mad

@idlestate I do wish it were a goose. They are vicious, but also predictable.

@DrTCombs I have generally been disappointed in transit agencies response to reporting driver problems.

When I was on a co-op term, we had a shuttle bus driver who had a problem falling asleep at the wheel. He would start to nod off, and drift off the road, and wake up and swerve back into our lane. It was terrifying, but I was a stupid student who didn't know how to fix that. One day the bus never arrived, and after an hour or so another bus we'd never seen arrived, and on the way back, we saw the old bus into a tree.

I felt terrible, because I thought, I should have reported this guy so that he could have either gotten help, or at least not been in a position where he was likely to crash.

Anyway, a week later he was driving the new shuttle bus and still falling asleep while driving so I immediately called the transit agency and told them, and they took my complaint and said they'd look into it. Anyway, the guy never stopped driving the bus and eventually our co-op term ended along with our utterly terrifying bus ride.

@DrTCombs maybe sent an anonymous tip to the traffic police and ask them to place themselves nearby undercover so they can withness said #MotorizedViolence and suspend said drivers' license for being "sociopsychologically inapt to participate in traffic"...

Cuz that works in most juristictions...

@DrTCombs I know other people who instead choose to have an aluminium baseball bat at their bike...

Tho #NotLegalAdvice I'd disrecommend committing vandalism in traffic...

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