
Light reading in the garden this morning, thinking about that time our district engineer told me I should ride my in the extra wide shoulder of a multi-lane highway and be grateful for it.

@markstos "I am a staff sargeant and 25+ year veteran of the . This book explains the reasoning--or lack thereof--behind every single way our transportation system has been weaponized to try to kill me and my loved ones"

or something


I’ve bought the book but not finished reading it.

My favorite traffic engineer is change:

Me: Cars speed through the intersection. The kids can’t cross safely.

TE: that’s why we installed the leading pedestrian interval. It’s a well established traffic calming measure.

Me: but the cars continue to run the red light because they aren’t afraid of getting hit by a 5 year old and now there isn’t any cross traffic to stop them from running it.

@DrTCombs At one point, I was under the impression that those who couldn't cut it at being any other engineer were transportation engineers and those who couldn't cut that were traffic engineers.

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