
Huge milestone. At 4'8", the kid's finally tall enough for the top of her head to be visible to the driver of an .

(and yes, this IS a pedestrianized area)

Note that she still wouldn't be able to with the driver, so if this were a crosswalk, she'd still, even at 4 feet, 8 inches tall, be too short to follow the primary "safety" advice we give our kids.


I never understood this "commanding view of the road" stuff. I drove around for many years in a 1989 Buick LeSabre, and cars got taller and taller all around me. Felt like I was lying down on a skateboard by the end. But I never once thought "gee I wish I could see from higher up."

(Only thing I ever hit was one of those cement kerbs that stop you going in to the hedge at parking lots.)


And for comparison, I think the Buick's hood was about where the fender is on that monster truck in your photo.

@DrTCombs too close for comfort for my liking. Any chance she goes Goth so you can put her in some dr. Martens?

@DrTCombs Any minute now the cagers will be telling us children should all walk on stilts.

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