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Is a PE worth getting as a Travel Demand Modeler?: Forums: 


Hey everyone,

I graduated with a master's degree in Civil Engineering about a year ago. My degree gave me some experience with travel modeling and data science. (Check out my thesis here) This helped me get a job working on travel demand model development at my local MPO. So far I love working with the travel model and enjoy data science and all things dealing with code. 

My question is, should I…

Geospatial Data Specialist: Forums: Job postings


Portland Metro is excited to announce an opening for a Geospatial Data Specialist.  The Geospatial Data Specialist is a member of the data team, a dedicated group of GIS data and infrastructure specialists who support the Regional Land Information System. The data team is part of the Data Resource Center (DRC), which is housed within Metro’s Planning, Development, and Research Department. The Geospatial Data…

why won't most transportation agencies share demand models and data readily?: Forums: Calls for papers
Great point, Krishnan! I would think property values should be softening a LOT in the southern US (& elsewhere, around the globe) during this death march (from our climate emergency-generated heat wave). And I was thinking that perhaps those in the southern US walk a lot less/drive a lot more & harm more pedestrians per VMT since they get into…

Household Travel Survey Project Manager: Forums: Job postings The City of Edmonton is looking for a project manager position to manage and administer Edmonton's new Continuous Regional Household Travel Survey (HTS). The role of this position involves overseeing and coordinating all aspects of the survey program. It's an exciting opportunity for someone with project management experience and interested in mobility behavior and household mobility data…

US High Speed Rail?: Forums: Calls for papers


We're currently working for a large infrastructure investor who may wish to retain the services of a consulting firm with demand forecasting experience for high speed rail in the US.

Direct experience from Amtrak Acela would be an advantage.

If this is of interest to you or your firm, please contact me directly at:



Robert Bain
RBconsult Ltd…

Transportation Modeler Opening - Closes 8/29/2023: Forums: Job postings Montgomery County Planning Department, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), is seeking a Transportation Modeler with experience in (1) travel demand forecasting modeling and (2) micro-simulation and traffic analysis. Salary range: $67,614 - $121,955 
The ideal candidate must have:
* Extensive experience applying trip-based travel demand forecasting models…

Job Opportunity: Freight Modeler / Econometrician at the USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics: Forums: Job postings

all: We welcome applications for the position described below. Please also forward this to others who may be interested. Thank you!

Monique Stinson
Freight Estimation, Forecasting and Analysis Manager
Bureau of Transportation Statistics


Opening: Freight Modeler /…

Transportation Modeler Opening - Closes 8/29/2023: Forums: Job postings

The Montgomery County Planning Department is seeking a Transportation Modeler with experience in (1) travel demand forecasting and (2) micro-simulation and traffic analysis.

The deadline to apply is 8/29/2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern

The ideal candidate must have:

* An understanding of the basic concepts of Activity-Based Models (ABM) or their applications is a plus.

* Substantial…

Impact of Extreme Heat and other Weather on Travel (trips, modes, etc.): Forums: As we are now going through the hottest summer on record and many urban areas are experiencing multiple days of greater than 100 or even 110 degree heat, I've started to wonder how these conditions are impacting travel. Are people making fewer overall trips? Are they changing when they travel? Are they changing their mode of travel, particularly their walking and biking habits?…

RFP for 2050 LRTP Update Project: Forums: RFP postings. The Richland County Regional Planning Commission is soliciting proposals for the MPO Long-Range Transportation Plan Update Project. The period for completion of the LRTP update is about 15 months. Proposal are due September 11th, 2023 at 15:00 PM EDT. Additional details on the RCRPC MPO can be found at Questions about the RFP should follow the…

Job opportunity: Metropolitan Council (Minneapolis-St Paul, MN), Senior or Principal Data Scientist:
Our department has an as-soon-as-possible opening for a Senior or Principal Data Scientist (full range: $78K - $127K; starting salary: DOQ)
We would be thrilled to find a data scientist with experience in socioec/ land use modeling -- or a willingness to transition out of transportation demand/ network modeling,…

Innovative Methodology in Equity Analysis in Travel Demand Modeling: Forums: Are anyone aware of any innovative ways to conduct Equity Analysis in Travel Demand Modeling? Or, any agencies who have done this in the traditional way but with thorough process? I know it is hard to distinguish between "innovative" and "traditional" so any information is appreciated. Thanks! 
Xinbo Mi

RFP--MATS MPO 2050 Freight Plan Proposal: Forums: RFP postings

Good morning TMIP members,

The Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS) MPO is issuing the following RFP for a freight planning study, covering the areas of Macon-Bibb County, Jones County and Monroe County in central Georgia.


Full RFP Packet is attached.


Basic Details:

* Submission deadline:  September 12, 2023

* Anticipated Award/Start Date:  October 2023 (exact date TBD)


Senior Modeler/Project Manager, Traffic Engineer, Modeler, Planner Positions at MMP: Forums: Job postings Modern Mobility Partners is hiring the follow positions:
Transportation Planner/GIS Analyst
Transportation Planner
Transportation Planner / Modeler
Traffic Engineer
Senior Transportation Modeler / Project Manager
Please let us know if you have any questions! 

Jing Xu, AICP
AVP / Director of Technical Planning Services…

AED20(1) Call for Posters 2024- Census Data Time Series: Investigating changes in population, households, and behavior over time: Forums: Calls for papers.
Call Title. Census Data Time Series:  Investigating changes in population, households, and behavior over time.
Sponsoring Committee. Census Data for Transportation Planning Subcommittee of the Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee, AED20(1).
Call Description. The Census Data for…

North Carolina (PART) Transportation Modeling Associate: Forums: Job postings The Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation is hiring a Transportation Modeling Associate. This posting is open until filled.
Interested Applicants should submit an application to
The Transportation Modeling Associate provides support to maintain, operate, and enhance the PART Planning Department’s Regional Modeling Programs. General tasks include data…

Please join next week's free BTR Conference on Aug 9th & 10th -in both hemispheres! Program attached: Forums: Calls for papers...
Transportation Enthusiasts: The 5th annual cost-free carbon-free Bridging Transportation Researchers conference commences next week: on August 9 & 10 – in both Eastern & Western…

Michigan DOT Transportation Planner/Modeler Position - Closes 8/16/2023: Forums: Job postings
Michigan DOT is hiring a Transportation Planner/Travel Demand Modeler in the Urban Travel Analysis unit.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday August 16th 2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern
This is a hybrid position…

GDOT Transportation Planner II position: Forums: Job postings. GDOT has a Transportation Planner II position to join our technical services branch. GDOT Planner II position...

RFQ - OKI Transit On-Board Survey: Forums: RFP postings


The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) is now accepting Statements of
Qualifications (SOQ) for professional services to perform a transit on-to-off passenger count survey, and an on-board origin and destination (O-D) interview survey.

The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) can be found at here:

Please follow the link below for more information about…

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