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New TMIP List Platform: Dear TMIP list subscriber,
As of April 13, 2024, the TMIP list has transitioned to a new hosting platform:, to simplify list maintenance. Links to other TMIP resources, including the archive of the prior 20+ years of TMIP list posts and webinars, will be coming soon...

QGIS / POSTGIS experienced California Registered DBE?: Forums: Calls for papers

. We’ve been looking for a DBE registered in California to help with some software development work with QGIS. And/or PostGIS. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Most GIS firms we’ve seen seem tied to the ESRI ecosystem and aren’t software developers (rather GIS professionals.). (ESRI - tied DBE firms that are software developers that know how to work with PostGIS spatial database…

Fwd: April CTPP Virtual Training: Forums: Calls for papers.
The ACTS Training Subcommittee is hosting another CTPP training on the new software next Monday, April 15 from 12 pm – 2:30 pm ET. If you are interested in attending, please register here:
Thank you,

Values of Time (road freight): Forums: Calls for papers


A revealed preference case study we examined recently suggested values of time (for commercial vehicles) that were higher that those typically recommended in official guidance. As a follow-up, we are compiling guidance on road freight values of time from around the world.

Our main focus is on N America, Chile, Europe, India, Australia and NZ. If you know of guidelines (eg. government guidelines) from…

Early bird registration deadline for 2024 Summer School on Inclusive Mobility: Forums: Calls for papers


We are organizing a summer school in the beautiful cities of Ghent and
Rennes this summer, and I think many of the students/young colleagues in
this network might be interested. The deadline to qualify for the Early
Bird Registration fee has been extended to April 15, 2024. We still have
some partial scholarships available for applicants.…

Traffic assignment algorithm micro-service (SaaS): Forums: Calls for papers

I’m just wondering if any vendors offer equilibrium traffic-assignment service in the cloud, as a Software as a Service? Since it’s often the most time-consuming part of any future exploration of scenarios and policy alternatives, it might make sense to offload it, and decouple it from the rest of the analysis.

I have some open-source Frank-Wolfe assignment software we could try to…

Staff Position: Computational Transportation Engineer at the Argonne National Laboratory: Forums: Job postings
The Transportation Systems and Mobility Group in the Vehicle and Mobility Systems Department at Argonne is seeking a transportation systems modeler to work on the high-performance agent-based transportation system simulation framework, POLARIS. We are particularly interested in finding a travel behavior/travel demand modeler.

FW: NaTMEC 2024 in Boise, Idaho June 3-5, 2024!: Forums: Calls for papers

From: NaTMEC
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 11:09 AM
To: Penelope Weinberger
Subject: NaTMEC 2024 in Boise, Idaho June 3-5, 2024!

View this email in your browser

NaTMEC 2024 Registration is OPEN
Registration is available at Hotel information is available on the registration website. For agenda information, you can find it on the…

Travel Demand Modeler Job Position- Houston-Galveston Area Council: Forums: Job postings



Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is currently seeking applications for a Senior Data Analyst with expertise in travel demand modeling or a Data Analyst role. The selected candidate will be responsible for updating and applying H-GAC's multilayer models to facilitate transportation planning studies. These models include the activity-based model, 4-step travel…

Transportation Planning and Policy Director: Forums: Job postings. Oregon Metro in Portland is recruiting for a Transportation Planning and Policy Director.  Please see the job announcement by following the link below.  Applications will be accepted through April 8th.
Metro’s Planning, Development and Research Department is seeking a full-time Transportation Planning and Policy Director to guide our work in creating a safe,…

Shasta Regional Transportation Agency (SRTA): Data Dashboard: Forums: RFP postings



I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to inform you that we have issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for our upcoming data dashboard project. This dashboard will play a crucial role in consolidating and visualizing our data for better decision-making processes.

Creating this dashboard will involve several stages, including:

* Collecting and…

Matching Smartphone Trip Traces to a Network: Forums: We're researching resources for matching smartphone trip traces with networks. Our most current travel diary survey (with a substantial smartphone data collection component) is complete and we're processing and weighting the data. One of the deliverables from the survey is the smartphone telemetry (x,y location pings) for trips. In the past we were able to associate such trips…

Toll Facilities: Nighttime Charging: Hi - wondering if anyone can help us with some current research.
We're looking at nighttime charging policies for toll facilities (roads, bridges and tunnels). Some charge full-price, some offer a discount, whereas others relax their charges completely.
Has anybody studied this or the impacts of different charging policies? Know of any studies or reports? Have you conducted model runs to simulate…

At our first SocioEc Forecasting quarterly webinar, we'll discuss the demography, and Census's new projections; and how to simulate local dynamics when subtotals or total numbers are declining (losses, not growth); what are the model solutions/tactics?

Short Range service planning tools for route/stop ridership and budgeting ???: Forums: 

I recently completed worked on a small system transit planning effort that required estimating the ridership impacts of different options along with their operating costs.   It resurfaced a long time interest and frustration due to lack of recent literature or common practice.

What tools/techniques are now being used for estimating the route / stop level ridership and budget…

recreational trip in bike mode: In our (city of Bellevue, WA) existing ABM model framework, recreation purpose is not explicitly modeled. However, it has become evident that recreational bike trips form a substantial proportion of the overall bike share. To address this gap in our model platform, we are exploring methodologies designed to generate recreational bike trips…

.@TravelModel We've announced the next @assoc_mpos Socioec Forecasting meetup...
Q1 Socioeconomic Forecasting Interest Group
February 22 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET
Topic: Adjusting to the Low-growth Future |
Register here panelists: @Waddell_Paul @KC_economist

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