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A big thank you and welcome to anyone joining the instance right now! Most of you probably know me but I will give an anyways, to set a good example... I am an independent transportation planning consultant specializing in travel demand modeling, land use forecasting, and transportation data analysis. My ulterior motive in setting this up is to create an awesome local feed full of cool transportation people and their follows 😎

Feel free to post your own when ready!

if you are trans, in the USA, and reading this. GET A PASSPORT

“Willpower is trying hard not to do something you really want to do,” said Frog.

“You mean like trying hard not to eat all these cookies?” asked Toad.

“Right,” said Frog.

A study published last month in the journal Nature found that charging stations boost sales at nearby businesses. Shops, restaurants and hotels within about 300 feet of an EV charging port see sales increase roughly 3 percent compared to similar businesses that don’t have a charger nearby

No one asked but...

Bari, Italy is a neat little city. It would be 1000% times better if they made it more walker and bike friendly. It's side-walks are so skinny, all for the sake of cars.

And for gods-sake get rid of all the motorcycles. It's a small city, you can get by with an ebike.

Sincerely, the person who got woken up multiple times at night by noisy-ass motorcycles.

The worst AI scraper that doesn't even identify itself as such is still this user agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0

It's not even listed on darkvisitors(.)com

I see 5120 requests in the last 24 hrs alone, all for JPEG & WEBP files. I don't want to know how much bandwidth & energy it consumes, globally.

Easy to block via Cloudflare or .htaccess: Firefox/72 is ages old and no human visitor would use it.

Spread the word.

#AI #Webmaster

One of the saddest things about the average American suburb is the inability to take a little walk to a little coffee shop for a little treat

Ugh. WTF. Disinformation is almost certainly costing human lives in western North Carolina.

If they can go after after teachers, librarians, election clerks, nurses, and disaster relief workers, eventually they'll go after whatever it is you are, too.

I'm building a public Autospam detection service that will be compatible with Pixelfed, Mastodon and other projects!

I'm leveraging my expertise* in Autospam, along with my 3 year old dataset to build the best fediverse Akismet alternative.

Are you interested? Boosts appreciated!

* -

#pixelfed #fediverse #spam #autospam #activitypub #mastodon

I woke up this morning with the unshakable realization that the pop music of the George Herbert Walker Bush administration is the most forgotten of any era. This is basically post 80's synthpop, hair metal, and hip-hop, and pre grunge and gangsta rap. It was mostly propped up by heavy MTV and corporate radio airplay so it's unclear if anyone even wanted it at the time and it has not enjoyed any sort of revival that I'm aware of. Only my tiny microgeneration of "tweeners" is nostalgic for it.

NEW: Can Corner Stores Mount A Comeback? Via Citylab Bloomberg.

“Toderian champions a finely grained retail model he calls ‘corner convenience’: a small market, cafe/restaurant or service that ideally would be legal on every street corner across the city & suburbs.”

“Let’s not make the primary challenge the fact that the city has made them illegal. At a bare minimum, City Hall should get out of the way.”

My comments, among others.

Both Donald Trump and his Slovene-born escort spent years calling for Obama’s birth certificate. I am calling for Melania Trump’s legal immigration papers: How did she get an “Einstein” visa for extraordinary abilities despite her blatant lie under oath about her college degrees?

Addendum to my "don't code a class for what could be a function" is "don't use Pandas for anything you can achieve with NumPy and base Python." Rewrote something today and it went from like hours to seconds in run time. This is an earnest PSA, not a brag

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!