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There are ghosts lingering in any human settlement--whether you welcome them into your community's life and honor them determines whether your city* develops a soul or becomes a ghost town itself, haunted by failed ambitions.

*this is true of towns and smaller communities as well as cities--it applies at any scale of settlement TBH, even individual houses

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The beauty in cities comes not only from visionary architecture and planning but from the many layers of a kind of palimpsest made from rebuilding and revision. This doesn't have to take centuries--even in a brand-new development it can be achieved by incorporating elements of the natural landscape that existed before humans moved in.

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So many wealthy people these days want to build utopian cities of one sort or another from scratch. The green rhetoric behind these projects is commendable, but almost universally the proposals fail to grasp what makes a city livable: organic human community and character.

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A big thank you and welcome to anyone joining the instance right now! Most of you probably know me but I will give an anyways, to set a good example... I am an independent transportation planning consultant specializing in travel demand modeling, land use forecasting, and transportation data analysis. My ulterior motive in setting this up is to create an awesome local feed full of cool transportation people and their follows 😎

Feel free to post your own when ready!

A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!