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I *really* hope that Posit's pivot towards Python means that something like dplyr for Pandas is on the way

What revelations about Cruise's reliance on remote assistance means: "Essentially every conversation about 'driverless cars' over the last decade has to be rethought."

Periodic reminder that NYC has more homeless people, and more homeless people per capita, than SF. 🙂🙃

But NYC has more shelter spots that are suitable for human habitation, and a more efficient intake process, so has far fewer street homeless (tents etc).

5% of NYC homeless people are unsheltered. ♥️👍🏿

Over 50% of SF homeless people are unsheltered 😢


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silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:
-put a drone on something
-wrongness generator 3000 (uses more energy than a small nation)
-space pollution
-self-crashing cars
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in another country
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in this country
-vrchat but it cost 20x to make and it fucking sucks

"There's always going to be debate in city planning. Always. But there's good faith debate, based on disagreements, and then there's deliberate lies and misinformation." Print article of my @abcnews interview on the truth and lies about “15-Minute Cities.”

Keep calling out the lies.

Exciting scholarship opportunity in Smart Cities in honor of Wendy Tao. Applications due February 15, 2024. See link below. The scholarship is open to professionals and graduate students conducting research in sustainable transport and smart cities. The research can have a national or international focus, with applicability to California. Professionals can be at any stage of their career. Graduate students should have completed at least one semester of studies.

If, like me, you are concerned that there's a lack of reporting for active transportation crashes in aggregated crash data, and you want "numbers" to wave in front of gatekeeping drivists, then behold, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program has $500,000 to put towards the problem. If you, unlike me, have some professional experience researching active transportation topics, then you can form a team and submit a proposal by 11/12/23.

There are cheap electric cars (just not in EU and USA). $5000 2-person cars with 100km range in Japan, China, and developig world. But those microcars are designed for shopping and short commutes (not practical in middle America) and still aren't going to depreciate below the residual value of the battery.

The automobile industry isn't going to survive EVs if it can only sell luxury cars at a profit and most of the potential drivers can't afford them.


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Toyota has been looking at leasing the battery. That enables two things: you can get a replacement at a reasonable cost; and they get the used battery back for reconditioning or recycling.

Nissan is already buying back old batteries, then reusing the cells for new cars; for stationary applications; or recycle the materials.

@futurebird Just in case you haven't heard this one before. I saw it and of course I thought of you. Thanks for the ant lessons. (copied from @tonio1083 on IG)

We must all fight anti-Semitism AND Islamophobia.

No matter how you feel about this conflict. If you're in America, you have Jewish and Muslim neighbors and they are scared and grieving right now, and they need to know you have their back.

We are all human beings.

How's your Wednesday evening going? Mine involved being tone-policed for criticizing family "friends" who gave my son a ride home from school in the front seat of their pickup truck. Yay!

There is a digital doppelganger in our HR system who, by nature of not existing, has failed to do any of the required HR trainings for years.

This nonexistent person's digital presence in our HR system shares my name and email address BUT IS NOT ME.

The sheer Dilbertness of this situation is mindboggling.

ANNOUNCEMENT: We're in the process of mothballing our Twitter account, which was previously our most-used social media platform.

Please help us out by boosting our posts so that our followers can see our updates and to help us build our audience here!

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!