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I feel attacked !
RT @BruceEdmonds
GPT3 describes how social scientists deceive themselves in ways special to them. Very accurate! I would have found it hard to better this as concisely. #socialscience #gpt3 #ai

#MastodonNews Dec 17, 2022

So, this is a big deal. Front page!

Washington Post: A guide to getting started with Twitter alternative Mastodon >>>

Twitter under Elon Musk is still up and running... Many long time users, however, worry the end is near or that platform is no longer a safe or welcoming place for them.... is a simplified guide to getting started quickly.

More News >>>

These were the best #books about #transportation and #cities that I read this year:

Ivan Illich: Tools for Conviviality + Energy & Efficiency

Elizabeth Hinton -- America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion

Lewis Mumford -- The Urban Prospect

Lily Geismer -- Don't Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party

Karen Levy -- Data Driven: Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace Surveillance

Jan Gehl -- Cities for People

I guess since this is my new "home," I should do an #introduction post: My name is Eladio Bobadilla. I'm an assistant professor of history at the University of Kentucky, where I teach about social movements, immigration and ethnicity, and the working class. I'm married to @timaree and am a dad to an amazing little boy, who will, in just a few weeks, welcome a baby brother into the family! #histodons

I'll be giving the STRIDE UTC webinar tomorrow, about research on how shopping trips are combined with other activities, and what the transport implications of this trip chaining are. Webinar on Dec 7 @ 12 PM ET >> register at

Every news outlet should stand up a Mastondon instance for their reporters & staff.

It’ll be great to see or whatever domain they want to use.

Built in verification. Every reporter for the Washington Post on a washpo domain. Every reporter for the New York Times on an NYTimes domain. Etc, etc.

Plus the “local” feed for each instance becomes a feed of all the posts from that institution mixed together — providing extra discovery.


TransitCenter’s 4th Annual Frequency Awards continues our tradition of recognizing the agency staff, advocates, and electeds who worked tirelessly to improve transit. Our winners this year transformed 2022's formidable challenges into opportunity:


Woohoo! I got an emergency appointment to renew my German visa so I can travel to . Actually, going to TRB is not a problem, but they might not let me back in the county afterwards…

Hey folks, my newsletter now has a name: Paved with Good Intentions.

Join me for monthly ventures into the past, present, and future of transportation.

Sign up for free:

#transportation #cities #bike #cars

There might be some server settings or add-ons that matter here too. For example, when I view @tgent_fens, it appears to implement something called remote follow, which makes it easier to follow profiles on their server.

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To the best I can tell, if someone else on my server already follows a profile, I can view that profile from my home server. If no one on my server follows a profile, then my server knows nothing about that profile, and the only option is to view it on its original server. This seems reasonable from the perspective of running a server, but as a user it means the experience is better from a bigger server.

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Clicking the follow button brings up this screen. Here you have to copy and paste the URL to search from your home server, and then follow. This is do-able, but kind of a pain.

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If you click through to view the profile on its home server, it looks different. I think this is what happens when @jroper right clicks. The good news is that you can see more followers. However…

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If I view a profile (@lisas) from my own server, following is easy-peasy. Note the web address below. However, it does not display follows from other servers, making it harder to browse for other people to follow.

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I’ve been confused as to why follow seems easy for some people/cases, and clunky for others. After some experimenting, here’s what I’ve been able to figure out…

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Come hear our TRB Webinar Today (from TRB's bird site post):

Public transit ridership has been declining since before COVID-19. Get analysis of trends, contributing factors, and provide actionable steps to combat ridership decline in post-pandemic travel from @brendonhemily, @transitmom & me

On my way home a woman was having a glamour photo shoot in the U-Bahn platform. I think that’s kind of awesome.

@gregerhardt I used this to find the folks i follow and it downloaded as a csv file. Go to preferences and import/export to get those you follow with a mastodon account will be followed by you. Importing who follows you is not an option.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!