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@swiderski where is this apartment building he was opposed to building?

@IMGoph @swiderski 13th & Harvard, SE corner.

I found it by
- pulling up the Schoen v. Sycamore complaint
- seeing that it references a PoPville post on the issue
- taking one for the team & visiting the site to read the full post

At first blush, it looks like the “corner” house—designed as such—sat on the next-to-last lot on the block & the corner lot was built on. Gonna look up the lot history in a bit.

@IMGoph @swiderski An abbreviated timeline of a lot history that’s more complex than most:

- In 1881, lot 13 was oddly shaped, as NJ Ave ran diagonally across square 2856.
- By 1886, NJ Ave was closed & lot 13 assumed typical rectangular dimensions. It was enormous at ~101’x150’.
- In 1904, lot 13 was resubdivided into several smaller lots. The NW corner, lot 114, was unusually wide at 47’ along 13th St.
- That same year, owner F.A. Blundon built the “corner” house w/address 1238 Harvard.

@20002ist @IMGoph @swiderski Rich to complain about that project when his current address is an absolutely hideous vinyl siding pop-up

@IMGoph @swiderski It stayed that way ‘til ‘21, when the property owner subdivided the lot to create a new corner lot (138) 19.5’ wide.

I’m too lazy to pull the deed history, but will guess lot 138 was promptly sold off & a matter-of-right permit obtained to build a two-unit condo.

I agree that there’s an esthetic downgrade here, but it’s a result of a) the original builder electing to set the house back from Harvard St. on the wide lot and b) a more recent owner selling off the excess land.

@IMGoph @swiderski My esthetic preferences (& Jamie Sycamore’s) have no goddamned bearing on any of this. It all seems entirely legit & it would be insane to say this outcome should have been prohibited. /fin

@swiderski @20002ist thanks for doing the digging, Mark! I assumed this might be the one. We noticed this a couple months ago driving home from and through Columbia Heights. I thought it was weird that a house managed to appear “in front” of a corner house like that, but yeah, totally legit.

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