@BrentToderian I'm waiting for some commenter to chime in that e-assist is bad because it means the user doesn't get as much exercise. Someone always does. And (a) it's not true, but also (b) who cares????

@gspeng @BrentToderian right? I'm gonna say none.

But also it's not my business. Maybe they have a physically-demanding job, or really like lifting weights, or play soccer with their kids, or are yoga instructors, or who cares??? I'm happy that riding my e-bike provides enough exercise for me. Doesn't have to be the same for other people.

@DrTCombs @gspeng @BrentToderian yes! I keep seeing an ad for an e-cargo bike where a dad and kid are zipping along without pedaling...

which I'll admit bugged me at first, but then I remembered someone saying that this is still better than them driving *even if they never pedal*!

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