
Happy to have solved the problem of the school bus driver honking at us every morning.

It's been a week, and not a single honk.


I’m inspired to take the high road next time. 💪🏼 ❤️

Good work

@Bikevisionary no honks. no love. but lots of waves from fellow people on bikes, and that's really who matters. ;)

@DrTCombs oh awesome!

Drivers randomly hooting at me apparently simply because I exist on a bicycle is one of my least favourite things

@DrTCombs I need one for my backpack that says
“ping if you ❤️pedestrians”

I took this approach when I participated in the March for Science in 2016. We were causing some traffic and an Old White Man in a pickup truck was loudly honking his displeasure, so I decided he was honking in support and gave him a thumbs-up, waved my sign at him, grin and raised fist, etc. The FURY on his face! It was delicious.

@DrTCombs I sympathise with you in principle, but disagree with you in practice. I don't have a driving license and had cycled a ton to school and back, about 10 kilometres each day, but I had never went on roads dedicated to those big metal murder machines. They hate you for a good reason - they don't want to murder you.

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