@DrTCombs It's a visual poem about the relationship of car culture to anybody getting around any other way.

@DrTCombs For some reason, I struggle to explain the fundamental problem with this thinking in words that can enlighten those suffering from whatever condition causes this in the first place. Merely saying "It blocks the cycleway" doesn't work. As demonstrated quite recently, the response from the national roads authority was "but you CAN pass it, and where ELSE would we put it".

@DrTCombs I’m assuming the gas station was there first and then the sidewalk was added/expanded? My guess is that it was a compromise with the owners for easement. Not excusing it. Hopefully whatever agreement they came to says that the sign can only stay while that one owner is there and if it changes then it has to come out.

@DrTCombs it‘s not only blocking the way for cyclists it also blocks the view for cars which than „overseen“ the cyclist they‘ve run over. 😣

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