It's safe to say that after fighting against it for months, I am 100% a #vscode convert for #rstats. I've always used rstudio which is still incredible and there are some slick touches that I miss, but being able to work on a container on a remote machine without leaving my desktop is just 🔥. #copilot is pretty rad too!

@hughagraham Same, it was copilot that got me over. I'm not primarily in and get my Python and R syntax mixed up all the time. Copilot takes cares of the simple stuff.

@jroper have to admit, it's been a bigger reason to stay than I thought it would be! Did you use vscode for python already before switching with R? I use python less than I used to but, when I did, I mostly used pycharm. My assumption has always been that the python experience in vscode must be very good?


@hughagraham Hmm no I switched them both around the same time - was using jupyter & spyder for Python before. Using notebooks in vscode is a little clunky (feels like you can't see much on the screen) but still worth it for copilot for me.

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@jroper that's interesting, I've not used notebooks all that much tbh and quarto does what I need but others have said similar things about working with notebooks in vscode 🤞that gets improved soon!

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