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via @nasemTRB Developing a Guide for New Mobility Options in Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling: NCHRP Web-Only Document 399:
The transportation field is undergoing a transformative change in response to several technological innovations resulting in the emergence and widespread adoption of new mobility options (NMOs) such as shared micromobility, transportation networking companies (TNCs), and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). Developing a Guide for New…

via @nasemTRB New Mobility Options in Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling: A Guide: Emerging transportation technologies and shared mobility services, or new mobility options (NMOs), are affecting travel behavior and demand. NMOs may include shared micromobility, transportation networking companies (TNCs), and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). As NMOs grow in availability and use, transportation planners and decision-makers need to be able to understand how to…

Job Opening: Principal Modeler:
MTC, the MPO for the San Francisco Bay Area, is hiring a Principal Modeler!
This Principal Modeler position is within the Forecasting/ Modeling and Surveys (FMS) team, which conducts data analysis and develops and applies modeling tools to analyze the impacts of potential strategies for Plan Bay Area. Our team strives to create quality modeling tools that embody our section's goals for planning…

Traffic Impact: Tolls Off Tolls On: Hi list subscribers
Last year I put out a call (on TMIP) for examples of roads, bridges or tunnels from around the world where road tolls had been activated - see below. We wanted to understand the impact on traffic using the facility.
We have completed our research and have prepared a first draft of our paper. Our preference is to avoid academic journals and publish in the 'grey literature'. Notwithstanding, we try to abide…

Re: Comparison of CTPP OD flows at different aggregation levels?: Krishnan and Ed are correct and on target. The 2012-2016 and forthcoming 2017-2021 CTPP do NOT include the “extended workplace allocation”. Previous packages (1990?, 2000, and 2006/2010) DID have extended workplace allocation.
Allocation is the Census Bureau term for missing value imputation.
“Standard Workplace Allocation” is Census-speak for “primary imputation”. This process imputes…

Job_Postings: Job Opening - CDOT Senior Travel Demand Modeler: The Charlotte Department of Transportation is looking for a Senior Travel Demand Modeler. This position will be responsible for serving as a technical leader in the development, enhancement, and programming of the Metrolina regional travel demand model as well as subarea models for high growth and congestion areas. Additional duties of this position include conducting detailed analyses of transportation…

Re: Comparison of CTPP OD flows at different aggregation levels?: Or put another way--The difference between the small areas and county
totals is because the Census Bureau cannot (easily, my words) geocode
all of the work locations to the Tract, Block Group or Block (including
TAZ and TADs) but will code every work location to a county and state.
The difference between the TADs and TAZs is more likely due to the CTPP
special rounding rules and aggregating rounded…

Re: Comparison of CTPP OD flows at different aggregation levels?: This is due to the workplace allocation issue in Census data. Standard
workplace allocation procedures at the Census Bureau imputes only at the
county and place level geographies & not below that. In previous iterations
of the ACS based CTPP, the Census Bureau did an extended workplace
allocation to overcome this difference but did not do so in the 2012-2016
CTPP. Details of how it was done for the…

Comparison of CTPP OD flows at different aggregation levels?: We are looking at the CTPP flows in the Washington DC region and notice
that they are not the same depending on the level of aggregation (County to
County, TAZ to TAZ, TAD to TAD). I presume this is due to the fact that
some places can be assigned accurately at the county level but not the TAZ
level. Has anyone looked at whether the losses are distributed randomly or
if there are patterns, and how to…

Job_Postings: Job Postings: Program Implementation Manager and Senior Transportation Analyst: The State-Amtrak Intercity Passenger Rail Committee (SAIPRC) has two open staff positions:

- Program Implementation Manager
- Senior Transportation Analyst

These are great opportunities for candidates with strong analytical, project management, and consensus-building skills to help grow passenger rail in the US!

Candidates can work in-person (DC or NYC), hybrid, or…

Re: Archive of the 20+ years of previous emails. You can find the archive of the previous TMIP messages here:
Additional TMIP archive resources will be available soon.
Zephyr Foundation

BTR#6 deadline for submissions + Bansal's data fusion seminar recording & slides for you + IATBR early-reg fees ending soon: Dear Colleagues:

We really, really hope you & your colleagues & students around the globe have submitted or will soon be submitting your papers to BTR#6 (a carbon-free & cost-free conference to bridge transportation enthusiast around the globe, on Aug 7 & 8, in both hemispheres). Please feel free to submit a week late, if you like, and feel…

Re: Invitaiton to an International Symposium on "Integrated land use/transport models for carbon neutral strategies" at Osaka University, Japan: This looks like a great opportunity, Rolf! I wish I could attend, but I don't think I can get to Japan at that time. My M.Sc. thesis was an extension of PECAS to include an environmental/physical flows component. Unfortunately, it didn't reach implementation.

Kara and I did some work for MetCouncil with Anu Ramaswami from…

Re: A New VDF Formula: Thank you for bringing up the capacity constraints and various issues in the context of volume delay functions and static traffic assignment (STA)! We would like to highlight that the primary goal of dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) is to lift the limitations of STA by incorporating time-dependent traffic flow variations. The concept of a "discontinuous BPR equation" can indeed offer significant benefits…

MIT Summer Courses Announcement: Discrete Choice Analysis & Transportation Networks and Smart Mobility: Dear Colleagues,

We will be offering 2 one-week MIT courses live in Zoom this summer:

Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand:

June 24-28, 2024

The course covers: alternative models including Logit, Probit, Nested Logit, Multivariate Extreme Value, discrete and continuous Logit…

A New VDF Formula: A faster process for doing UE assignments has been the subject of several recent TMIP postings. A User Equilibrium (UE) assignment is of course a Nash Equilibrium in which the paths are chosen such that the impedance (e.g. Vehicle Hours of Travel) of every user between any OD pair is at equilibrium. The issue is that the impedance on each link is not known until after equilibrium is achieved. Because the impedance function uses the equilibrium…

Invitation to an International Symposium on "Integrated land use/transport models for carbon neutral strategies" at Osaka University, Japan: While most sectors of the economy have massively reduced emissions, transport emissions have remained almost unchanged for 30 years. To finally reduce transport emissions, we need to better understand the impact of decarbonization of transport, transit-oriented development, intensive densification in urban development…

Job_Postings: Job Opening -- MTIP Data Coordinator: Oregon Metro is recruiting for an Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) Program Coordinator -- someone to act as a crucial link between statewide project teams, transit agencies and database vendors. The MTIP Program Coordinator’s proficiency in system administration and adept coordination will facilitate seamless data management, ensuring fluid exchanges and continuous improvement strategies.…

Job: Data Scientist - Demographic/Socioeconomic Research at Met Council, Mpls-St Paul, MN. Apply by April 30: Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities is recruiting for a new Data Scientist with Demographic/Socioeconomic Research experience. Please spread the word - or apply! The application deadline is April 30, 2024.

CTPP Winter Status Report: Greetings! Attached please find the CTPP Winter Status Report.

Robert G. Schiffer, AICP
National Practice Leader, Travel Demand Forecasting

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