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"New buildings decrease rents in nearby units by about 6% relative to units slightly farther away or near sites developed later, and they increase in-migration from low-income areas. We show that new buildings absorb many high-income households and increase the local housing stock substantially." #housing

I don’t usually highlight good deals outside the USA, but £650 (~$775USD) for an older acoustic Bullitt (in Cardiff UK) is a scorching great deal.

Could someone please untoggle me from “cries at multiple points during ‘Despicable Me 2’ mode,” TIA

Acoustic Bullitt with homemade box in Atlanta GA for $3250. Not a great price, but probably a rare bird in ATL, worth keeping an eye on.

Trying to imagine what anti-government people would say if the government had ever wasted as much money with as little return to show for it as the private sector has spent developing robotaxis in the last decade

School dropoff is a bit different in Cambridge (but not different enough)

Do I get a ceremonial plaque when I have enough Cantabrigian tenure to be listened to by one-seventh of my local gov representation?

From: @itamarst

Appreciation toot for Henry Bear’s Park, the toy store in Porter Square. They somehow got access to the algorithm of ‘crap my kid and I like.’

everybody's gonna be fine, but damn i need some sleep and a controlled substance

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She said most of that in the style of Bingo pretending to be a dude, so my workday is pretty much concluded

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Was feeling a bit butt-hurt about stupid work stuff. then this kid marches into my office, puts on my headphones, and begins imitating every Teams meeting - “Hey bike friends, let’s talk more about bikes. Bikes bikes bikes hahahahaha!”

America Walks recently covered the USDOT Reconnecting Communities grant program that awarded projects to remove or cap highways and reclaim and redesign the land for community connections:

To start these conversations in your community, a PBIC resource offers common vocabulary and tools to talk about highway removal projects:

Comedian with 800k followers deletes his #Twitter account on air, mocks users for not keeping promises to flee to #Mastodon, the “Twitter Canada.”

My wife writes: “Abortion is healthcare, and laws that restrict healthcare are dangerous. I urge our lawmakers to keep their ideologies out of our exam rooms.” #abortion

Wonky transportation policy time:

FHWA just released an update to its 1988 (!) guidance on resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation (RRR) projects on the National Highway System.

I wrote a small bit of this incredibly-wonky document. A small papercut of progress that hopefully enables delivery of better streets.

Ride Report has a brand-new report out on the results of Denver's pioneering incentive program.

These top-level insights leave little doubt that this program is a blockbuster success.

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