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A fun part of kid cartoons is hearing familiar voice actors in different roles. Like, Otto the bus driver from The Simpsons is everywhere.

OH HELLO: Judge rules that youth have standing to sue Hawaii DOT for future climate impacts of continued investment in highways:

"Transportation emissions are increasing and will increase at the rate we are going," [Judge] Crabtree said. "In other words, the alleged harms are not hypothetical or only in the future."

UPDATED STORY: Cara Seiderman, the Transportation Program Manager for the City of Cambridge Community Development Department, confirmed that other Bluebikes municipalities are working together to introduce e-bikes into the whole system, not just to Boston:

Since #Nashville #Tennessee has been trending quite a bit lately, I'd like to remind the Fediverse™ that there is a Mastodon instance for Nashville citizens and related accounts, focused on building in-person relationships and making local change:

Full disclosure - I run that instance. And we're having a party when we get to 100 users. And yes, there will be a band.

Easter Sunday version of Gift of the Magi:

1. Mother in law cleans my disgusting car as an Easter gift,

2. Father in law loads kiddo down with all sorts of chocolate, and

3. Kiddo leaves most of it in back seat of car, where it spends this entire sunny warm day melting 🫠

My kid just used her premium-quality bike helmet as a sand bucket at the playground, Happy Monday everyone.

The most depressing work days are when I have to fight yesterday's battles today. And i don't have the fucks to give atm.

“Parking prices are especially effective because they have a direct short-run effect on VKT as well as a medium to long-run effect on vehicle ownership. The latter channel appears to be significant and lead to further, significant reductions in VKT.”

A pretty half-assed Easter effort by Grandma and I has kicked off a six-year-old’s indignant investigation into whether the Easter Bunny is actually real, and it’s kinda fun tbh

Proud dad moment:

As we begin plodding down the steps at Park St, she hears a train getting louder, blurts out, “it’s a train LETS GO” and starts running down the steps. She has lived these weekend headways.

If you can all avoid it, everyone, don’t let your partner die, it does in fact suck.

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I can’t believe that it has to be said, but Here We Are:

My tragedy is not your invitation to proselytize.

If you urge me to believe what you believe,

you are not trying to help us,

you are trying to help yourself.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!