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The United States confirms how it feels about Black people and what it's done to us every fucking day. It can't wait to fuck us more.

anyway, an old guy mows down a kid on a bike and there's absolutely no way the system will get him off the road if the kid doesn't die, and even then...

Street design and beefing up non-auto modeshare is literally the only thing left that we can do to save lives on the streets.

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1. Great long-read on lack of prosecutorial follow-through on a traffic-violence case.
2. Points out another failure point.
3. He would have probably anyway, but seems certain that that driver is still out there driving.
4. ARLNow is the best.

doubling down on its counterintuitive (and blame-shifting) strategy of directing trail users to stop before crossing side streets. Letting right-turning-drivers are effectively off-the-hook if they right-hook someone (ped or bike) who didn’t stop.

I will never understand Arlington.

I love that when I go out for a bike ride, I see someone I know like 50% of the time, and like half of those times it’s @sofio

Merry RAISEmas to all who celebrate!

Especially my friends back in DC, who besides a bunch of money for NPS trails, got $20M for a much-needed overhaul of Wheeler Rd SE!!!

(I can’t believe that the ALX City Council was capable of unanimity on anything transportation-related. Has ALX finally achieved traffic zen? (Inside joke))

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today in Good Suburban Retrofit News: The Duke Street Transitway passed City Council 7-0 last night.

Centre-running bus lanes from Landmark (where the Fairfax 'Envision Route 7' and the West End Transitway would end) to Old Town will unlock so much good urban infill growth, provide so much access to opportunity for so many, and help declaw a really shitty arterial.

The DPW cargobiking street tree intern team is back on my street right now, and it makes me so goddamn happy.

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Raised crosswalks and protected bike lanes help calm traffic, but apparently, the construction projects that build those things might also help reduce crashes:

I have never been to Ames, IA, Plainfield, NJ, or Longmont, CO. Seeing them on this list, I'd like to!

But I can say with certainty that I would rather ride a bicycle in Cambridge MA.

Lookit. No city rating tool for bicycling will ever be perfect. And kudos to PeopleForBikes for trying to measure comfort at a network scale!

But being scored and ranked this low ought to be an important calibration data point on your methodology.

Lots more work to do here, but this is among the very best bicycling cities in North America. It's not debatable.

Really great argument by Conor Semler (in Kittelson's Boston office) for speed-limiters in cars.

Denver last year offered subsidies for buying electric bikes

Their first 600 were snapped up in 10 minutes. Demand was *huge*

Denver ended up issuing over 4,700 (about 2,300 of which went to low-income residents)

Research shows it reduced car-miles driven in the city by 100K a week

My takeaway?

We should have ebike subsidies *everywhere*, and *now*. Cheaper than electric car subsidies, and arguably even more catalytic

My essay:

"Friend" link

meanwhile, the civilian population (my kid) is complaining of headaches, and blaming the chemical agents i have (allegedly) been deploying (indiscriminately, people are saying) against the enemy.

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ant intel is likely reporting these boastful statements back to ant HQ, and i'm sure they're plotting a counteroffensive somewhere aimed at crushing our morale.

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think i finally found and eliminated the treasure being fought over in my long-running kitchen battle in the war on ants

rererewatching some Parks and Rec, and look who turns up (clean shaven) in S2E15 as a Pawnee resident caring loudly in a public meeting?

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