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Currently sitting on my minimal-setback 1920’s duplex front porch, drinking a coffee, saying hi to people walking past.

Thank god our zoning doesn’t encourage proliferation of this sort of inhumane architecture.

Same thing we do every night Pinky: Try to catch up on the laundry

Our Rent Eats First paper extensively summarized in Forbes:

This was the best kind of paper to write: a fun data dive, an exploration of how we measure/think about affordability, and clear policy implications. Glad it's gotten some traction!

#housing #HousingCrisis

@bikepedantic If you (Darren or person reading his post) want to help, CBS is looking for people to help canvas up through the election in November.

Especially important this year with people who are suing the city to remove all bike lanes running for 2 of the 3 open council seats.

Thank you into the void to the Cambridge Bicycle Safety volunteer who has been talking to trail users like all week at Mass/Cedar about the upcoming city council election, and asking folks to sign this petition

Welcome to Mastodon! It's a laid back place. But here's a few simple rules you must follow:

1. Make an account on every fediverse server and create a unique introduction post for each one.

2. Put a content warning on any post that is tangentially related to the Irish Potato Famine.

3. Always use the hashtag #icomeinpeace. Otherwise, we will assume you are hostile.

4. When browsing Mastodon, remove your socks. It is customary.

5. Tell five of your friends to join. Yes, it's a pyramid scheme.

Great moments on ‘why not both’ history:

“It turns out that more people ride the bus when the trip is free and the service is frequent. At least, that’s the case in Alexandria, where the DASH bus service just set a ridership record, at 4.5 million boardings in just one year.”

Instagram becoming like the adult active seniors community for my folks fading off twitter and its clones entirely

My newish boss asked if I had a training plan, or wanted to do one, and I laughed and laughed

Let's flip this new survey from @pewresearch.

Two out of five Americans would prefer living in smaller homes, closer to each other, if schools, stores, and restaurants were within walking distance.

#Walkability #SmartGrowth #UrbanPlanning

@snk Unfortunately there's a bunch of people running for Council this November election on ripping all the improvements out. If you haven't already, sign CBS' petition to the rest of the City Council candidates to get them to support good infrastructure:

Already signs of progress on M St SW. The median is already partially deconstructed between Half and First. A new curb will be reconstructed, shifted to the north, making room for the bikeway on the south curb

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Friggin alt text still not working on icecubes (or my server?). Description: Johnny cash looks defiantly at camera, gives camera the middle finger

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Johnny cash live at San Quentin is the best album to listen to while running. Mr. Cash will now take your questions:

Saw an Urban Arrow yesterday with Bluey stickers on the box, and I sadly but very willingly hand over the title of Camberville's coolest UA.

I can’t tell you how ashamed I am to have contributed to The Discourse.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!