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"I got a lot of work to do, any chance you could pick up my kid from school?" is not a thing i will ever ask a member of my work family to do.

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It's 2023, how are we not yet at the point where execs know not to refer to the workplace as a 'family'?

Boston local news magazine show 'Chronicle' devoted a whole episode to bicycling, and no lie, it was really well done. Here's one segment, navigate to their homepage to see the other three.

Yet another piece of evidence that American "cars" are getting way too big: all reports are that Kelly Oubre Jr. was struck in the *upper chest* by the hit and run driver. He's an average-sized NBA player at 6'7" - imagine if he were "just" an average-sized person?

Friends peer-pressuring me to do a 5K turkey trot, which would be my first running race in like 10 years, and I’m just feeling good about this rn

Death, taxes, and 80+ y/o family members describing the side effects of Coumadin

Two things here:

1. Offering me these, and not ketchup ‘flavour,’ is a stunning continuing failure of US capitalism, and

2. Yeah I bought them and they’re fucking delicious.

With a taste of your lips I’m on a ride
You’re toxic I’m slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic?


Don’t judge a book by its cover, except Joe Burrow. Judge that guy harshly.

If/when I get my head back in the game of active transportation work, Peabody Bike Bus is gonna be a big part of that. It's weekly inspiration and purpose for me.

Having some Cambridge buyer's-remorse. If I wanted to stress about whether or not lofty bike network plans ever came to fruition, i would have been happier overall in Somerville. A promise of a network was codified, and we relied on that.

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Couple that with the news that someone riding a bike suffered severe injuries on a street with unprotected bike lanes as voting wound down yesterday... just a sad morning for Cantabrigians who bike.

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Good morning. If you’re in search of unhappy morning-after election news — the woman who led a lawsuit seeking to overturn Cambridge MA’s landmark Cycling Safety Ordinance won a seat on the City Council last night.

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