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About to level up my capacity for bike-based hijinx. Very excited.

Good morning! Would you like me to ruin Bluey for you?
Have you noticed that all the dogs procreate only within their own breeds?

Never more true: Very pleased to have found this years-old decal in amongst my old office knick-knacks.

[get yours here:]

<columbo voice> there’s just one thing I dont quite understand here…

if he’s *actually* decided to drop out, why are you leaking to Axios, instead of, you know, giving your sitting US President the courtesy of actually announcing it himself?

Saw my first Cybertruck (on the ABP bridge over the railroad line). Had my 7-year-old and her buddy in the cargobike. Goaded them into pointing and laughing at it.

i'm gonna be in Boulder for the Ride for Magnus ride and rally Aug 11, track me down and say hi if you will too

Assault with a deadly weapon

13-year-old cyclist was ‘deliberately targeted’ when driver struck them, WA cops say


Summer is now just the season where like 40% of my conscious thoughts and actions involve avoiding dehydration

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I know that the answer is “because reasons,” but it always befuddles me how a US automaker will develop whole distinct product lines and not offer them in the most auto dependent market — the US.

I have booked my first ever flight on spirit airlines. Nothing can possi-blye go wrong.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!