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You may be asking, “how did you avoid clobbering the side mirror of your plastering subcontractor’s van with that ramp while pulling into your driveway?” And the answer is “I just did, stop asking these questions dammit”

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I’ve been driving for a really long time. I’ve never come close to hitting a building. I don’t understand how this happens so often, and no one seems to think it’s a huge hint that our transportation system is defective.

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Literally every single day, @nbc10boston has a fresh report of someone driving their car into a building. At what point does this become something that we try to fix?

*wearing cargo shorts* “yeah, I got some consumer goods in the left pocket and some crude oil in the right. tomorrow I’m picking up some livestock bound for china”

Trying to help my kid learn to read, and it’s not going very well!

<no advice please, just venting>

Last week, running on adrenaline: Sure I can still make this long-planned business trip

This week, zapped: Merp

Next week, public-speaking: ???

A modern bike room for employees in the new 355 Main Street building in Kendall Square. Photo taken at 9:30am, Wednesday March 22nd. Outdoor temperature 39F.

Anyway, told ya so. Eager to see what’s next for Route 1 Boulevard.

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The folks in the story saying that some growth in the area is still inevitable are correct. A master plan that was more flexible and timeless, and less reeking of Amazon hubris, could have been a productive part of that.

This would have required an Arlington that views Pentagon City as an actual part of Arlington, and not a revenue-generating PPP that benefits Real Arlington.

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Just sayin’, maybe if the new Pen Place master plan were less of a supervillain campus and more of a city, we could be talking about how Amazon reprogramming discrete parcels to… build more city.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!