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Primary Mass Ave bus lane enforcement these days appears to be bus drivers laying on their horns with gusto…

…which is pretty poor marketing for more bus lanes.

So many people out on the trail that they couldn’t all make it thru the super-short green trail phase at Mass/Cedar.

When compliance is punished, compliance gets rubbished

"We got new protected bike lanes on the Harvard Bridge, so why aren't there protected bike lanes on the B.U. Bridge?" wonders Ken Carlson, a Cambridge bike advocate who's organizing Thursday's event.

Someone obviously flirted with me yesterday. I actually flirted back without blushing. It was novel and nice.

Sorry for the run-on sentence to start this off. I was and am angry.

If you'd like tips on whom to vote *for,* I of course recommend the ABC pro-housing slate:

But regardless of your policy preferences, please don't vote for Winters, his CCC slate mate Carrie Pasquarello who retweets neo-Nazis, or any other CCC slate mate now defending them.

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By the way, there's certainly real reasons that access by full-sized motor vehicles may be needed. And as in all things, a precise definition of "need" is perhaps badly needed.

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Alt text for above:

Pic 1, A full sized garbage truck seen from rear occupies entire width of a trail. People stand on the grass verge looking on.

Pic 2, Seen from rear, a van stops alongside a dropoff box of some sort. Someone walking two dogs approaches on the trail the van is stopped on.

Pic 3, Seen from side from within a park, a Cambridge Animal Control and Rescue van drives on a shared-use path.

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A selection of moments showing how even in Cambridge, there are no truly car-free spaces. If it fits on it, they will drive on it.

“I do think that so much of the way we grieve is formed by capitalism and Eurocentric structures,” [Kara Jackson] says. Her best friend, Maya, died of cancer in 2016: “I just remember people being like: ‘You gotta get ready for college.’ I was so confused about why time didn’t just stop.”

This quote hit me hard. We're in a profound national-scale depression because of exactly fucking this.

Starting today, this beauty is open to active transportation only *for an entire year*. Time to show how great Alexandra bridge is as an AT link. Take pics, blog/vlog away. Tag us

(Enjoy how quiet it’s going to be.)

À partir d’aujourd’hui, le pont Alexandra est ouvert uniquement aux transports actifs. Pour une année complète. Prenez des photos, des vidéos. Montrez le bonheur d’avoir ce lien réservé aux gens à pied, à vélo, à trottinette

#AlexandraBridgeAT #PontAlexandraTA #Ottawa #BikeTooter

There’s like a 58-way tie for things I like best about camberville, and Bike-In Movie Night is one of those 58

Moving into our upstairs apartment tomorrow, which means everything is going wrong today, and I’m just done

Maybe says a lot about media and America’s view of government in general that this is a shutdown angle that got covered.

That you won’t see fat bears while your government goes dormant feels like a judgment on the many non-fat-bear functions of the executive.

Seeing as my wife died of colon cancer, it's maybe time i should perhaps get a colonoscopy. Lahey Health has availability... in August 2024.

On this day in 1983, "Every Breath You Take" by the Police was #1 on the Billboard charts.

And #Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis announced the Central Artery Tunnel project - the one we now know as The Big Dig.

This video pairs the audio track of our new #podcast with lo-fi archival footage of what #Boston looked like back when a massive raised interstate highway split the city in half. #urbanism #transit #cities

Built in 1935 as an apartment over retail space in my old neighborhood, this guy has been reduced to another sniveling single-family home by zoning and traffic/parking fears. Could/should be a corner store, or coffee shop, or ______, but nah.

Whenever anyone tells you how well or poorly the N Mass Ave bus lanes are working, please aggressively apply the asterisk that customers of the paint store delay the inbound trip for every bus and car occupant Every Single Morning.

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