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Employees: We like working in the same homes where we sleep. There's no commute, it's very convenient.

Google: Nah we need you back in the office. But we built hotel rooms here so you can still sleep in the same place you work and there's no commute.

Employees: Uh yeah that's what we already had...

Google: That'll be $99. Which you pay us. To trap you in the office we demanded you come back to.

Barcelona 'superblocks' no longer experimental. This one has been set in stone!

Entire streets pedestrianised. The third and fourth images show the current and previous design at an intersection.

Drivers can still enter to access properties and there's many delivery vans here in the morning.

This should be a model for Melbourne's retail core. Swanston Street, Elizabeth Street, Collins Street, and Bourke Street. Obviously with trams included.

The location is below. Too new for Street View.,


Organic Maps: An Open-Source Maps App That Doesn't Suck

"Google Maps and Waze altered our expectations for a map app’s capabilities, without actually getting us to our destinations faster."

because of inflation one megabyte is now equal to just 700 kilobytes

A big thank you and welcome to anyone joining the instance right now! Most of you probably know me but I will give an anyways, to set a good example... I am an independent transportation planning consultant specializing in travel demand modeling, land use forecasting, and transportation data analysis. My ulterior motive in setting this up is to create an awesome local feed full of cool transportation people and their follows 😎

Feel free to post your own when ready!

A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!