
The retail price of a luxury is less than the value the average US car loses the moment it's driven off the sales lot

The fact that we pour billions of public dollars into propping up a transportation system that virtually requires car ownership for all but the most privileged--when cheap, safe, fun alternatives are easily available--is criminal

@DrTCombs @gvwilson It’s also kinda wild there isn’t easy financing for ebikes, as well as better physical security affordances.

@DrTCombs The grift is absolutely malicious

What are we prepared to do about it?

@SiteRelEnby I'm not saying anyone should be forced into riding a bike. I'm saying no one should be forced into owning a car.

@DrTCombs @FantasticalEconomics Sorry, we frequently go an entire week below zero and our snows generally don’t melt until spring. I am 73 and I just can’t ride a bike in winter. Would do so in summer though.

I didn't say anyone should be forced to ride a bike. I suggested no one should be forced to own a car.

@DrTCombs I agree & similarly tricycles & lanes for them, with parking spots at stores, really should be pushed more.

I'm hoping overall to be able to get an adult tricycle in another year or 2, as even with the mess infrastructure is now, it'd still be a better way for me to get around town, in good weather.

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