
Over on threads, I'm doing that thing where I change my profile pic to a random white guy and wait to see how long before the reply guys stop being assholes to me.

Don't tell...

/demanding to see my CV before they'll believe anything I say about bikes, streets, cities, urbanism, planning, transit, whathaveyou, and even then not allowing that my 2+ decades of research holds a candle to their opinions.

@DrTCombs It works so effectively in reverse that I won't even try it because of the nonstop shit I'd continue to get even after changing mine back...

@wcbdata yeah, the difference is striking

I did this on twitter a few years ago for a week, and it was glorious.


Keep it vague.

If I learned nothing at all from friends in the ESWN, earth science women’s network, is that trolls are men. But they are mostly afraid of trolling men.

@DrTCombs as a white guy practitioner in this space I find your perspective even better than many academics teaching and researching about this stuff. I'm always impressed by how the discussion topics you share here reflect the reality of implementing safe streets. Keep up the good work!

@MichaelTBacon thank you! I actually screenshot one off the cover of a cycling mag, but I may take you up on it!

@DrTCombs i'm a white guy activist in the safe streets movement and i find your writing and ideas useful. keep it up. don't let the trolls bring you down.

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