
I recently switched from a step-over with a somewhat aggressive riding position (and famously no rear brake to an upright, step-thru model.

And the number of older women who have stopped to talk to me about , and about their hopes that they can regain some mobility and freedom with an e-bike, has been amazing.

-- especially compact, accessible ones -- really can change lives!

· Edited · · Elk · 6 · 15 · 47

@DrTCombs Ironically the ads i got when clicking on that were car related. Even said video was sponsored by Lotus Cars

@DrTCombs For me it has been (young to me) men who ask about it. 😁

@DrTCombs In NZ our national injury insurance scheme allows perl clutching stories like

Thankfully the ever hardworking @patrickmorgan is quoted and reminds us the same: the risks of isolation and inactivity are also really worth avoiding.

@DrTCombs In NZ our national injury insurance scheme allows perl clutching stories like

Thankfully the ever hardworking @patrickmorgan is quoted and reminds us the same: the risks of isolation and inactivity are also really worth avoiding.

@abartlet @patrickmorgan Oh, we're doing PLENTY of pearl-clutching about ebikes here in the US, absent decent health care....and also absent any large-scale effort to acknowledge the risks of isolation and inactivity.

@DrTCombs step over combined with ebike is what got me back into biking. Huge combo for accessibility, as are trikes/quads/other configurations combined with pedal assist.

@DrTCombs I am a bike to train commuter and bring the bike on with me. Everyone, man woman conductor and child, wants to talk about the step through folding e-bike with the pink tires. I am sure I have sold half a dozen of them. No comments on my nice cannondale acoustic hybrid at all! (They are both my children and deserving of love).

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