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Analysis of 2020 census differential privacy test runs shows spatial clustering of error in net migration rates by age.

#2020 #Census #USCensus #2020Census #Spatial #Clustering #NICHDImpact

My new article is out now in Urban Studies:

1) Census tracts whose residents drive less are exposed to more vehicular air pollution, all else equal.

2) Tracts with larger non-white population experience more pollution than do whiter but otherwise similar tracts.

3) On average, white commuters traverse tracts that are far more non-white than the tracts where they live.

If you lack institutional access, here's a free open access preprint:

Waiting for someone to make an artisanal search engine that only indexes manually verified websites written by humans. Farm-to-table organic search results, handmade with 100% certified human creativity, like your grandparents told you about.

Via Transit (San Antonio, TX) is pretty cool. Convenient express bus to the airport. And having a seat dedicated in memory of Rosa Parks is a nice touch. Of course in Florida, Ron DeSantis and his cronies will do everything to insult her memory 🤷🏾‍♂️.

7 abortion providers are ready to switch to misoprostol-only medication abortions if a judge bans the main abortion pill, mifepristone, nationwide. That ruling could happen as soon as this Friday.

Pretty much everything that Team "you're overreacting" insisted would never happen after Dobbs is, in fact, happening. It's almost as if they were not arguing in good faith this whole time.

People worry a lot about losing knowledge — about "burned-down libraries".

Comparatively few people seem to worry about what happens if you take a billion books full of auto-generated, often-untrue junk text and *add* them all to the library.

In theory, nothing is lost. In reality, everything is lost, because nothing useful can now be found.

For all that, I'm a tech guy when it comes to "smart" products, I like stupid stuff.

Ever since I've focused on Mastodon over Twitter, the one major thing I've said over and over again that was missing (but I was sure was coming) was a Mastodon version of Nuzzel or Tweetshelf. A tool to find what news links your followers are sharing.

And... @decius has just built one! Just released today, so may be buggy, but already looks amazing and INCREDIBLY useful.

Hundreds of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Designs Were Never Built. Here’s What They Might Have Looked Like
So far, David Romero has digitally reconstructed over 20 of the famous architect’s unrealized projects

For the first time in U.S. history, the federal government has launched an official investigation to account for the tens of thousands of American Indian, Alaska Native & Native Hawaiian children who were forced to attend Indian boarding schools.


There is a lot of truth here about transportation in the undergrad civil engineering curriculum. Thoughts from the academics here.

Facebook/Meta laid off 11,000 people and now is doing 40 BILLION in stock buybacks. None of these companies care about cost cutting, they saw an opportunity to suppress wages without any criticism and they took it.

Me in Slate:

How can we fight back against truck bloat?

By imposing weight-based car fees that apply to EVs as well as gas-guzzlers.

Norway and the District of Columbia are leading the way.

#cars #safety #electricvehicles

9:30 PM - Bombay local train. Most US transit agencies would love such ridership.

Whilst we iOS users celebrate the release of Ivory: what are the best Mastodon clients for Android? (I am of course aware of the official Mastodon app, from which I'm posting this.)

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!