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“Over the last 20 years, the defense industry has "spent $2.5 billion on lobbying." During that period, defense contractors employed an average of 700 lobbyists — more than one lobbyist for every member of Congress.”

Biden deserves and won't get credit for negotiating with the worst-faith Republicans every to “run” government. I hate the fact that he had to agree to cuts; I love that we’re (likely) not driving off the cliff, which Republicans were apparently absolutely prepared to this time around. Businesses and major donors failed to raise the hue and cry at the GOP about default—they’ve gotten too used to brinkspersonship.

Tech speakers, it's 2023. Stop using moms as your example of a non-technical audience. It's wrong, its not funny, and whatever you were saying, now most of your audience is not thinking about it.

Just use the exec team as an example instead and get on with your life.

In the month gone by Texas and Florida have passed or are in the process of passing bills to eliminate academic freedom and control the content of the curriculum at public universities, but please do go ahead and enjoy your f***ing cancellation cocktail.

Global sea level rise and its accelerating rate... 🌊

First update now in for 2023 from

I wrote about Google AMP, which Google promised would fix the web and save it from Facebook. Except ultimately, AMP caused a lot more trouble than anybody would have guessed

Cities: “We are not Amsterdam! We can’t just change, push back car dominance and create liveable cities for people!"

Paris 🇫🇷: "Wait. Hold my wine 🍷🥖 !"

The latest edition of Private Eye sums up what this Brit thinks of the coronation.

Eric Miller from U of Toronto has written a very thought provoking editorial on the current state of activity based models and next steps. As someone who is in the industry and not academia I found it very interesting but the proposed solutions seem more academic than practitioner oriented.

Overinflated: The Journey of a Humble Tire Reveals Why Prices Are Still So High

From a rubber plantation in Southeast Asia to a repair shop in Mississippi, the story of a tire highlights the turmoil of the post-pandemic economy and its uncertain future.

#Inflation #Tires #Prices #Import #Rubber #Russia #China #Vietnam #Cars

This thread by @humantransit is a fantastic discussion about location choices and land use & its impact on transportation.

Let’s add one nuance to this popular cartoon. The dude in his car taking 1/3 of the street space might also be a victim of oppression. He might be a low-income person who’s forced to own and drive a car for lack of options, and who is poorer as a result … 1/
RT @fietsprofessor
'When you're accustomed to #privilege, any demand for more equality feels like oppression.'

(cartoon by @fabiantodorovic)

Every school board election is a logic puzzle where you have to figure out which two names out of eight are not religious zealots

Missed the exciting news that the boffins at NASA JPL have figured out a way to use reserve power to keep using all the scientific instruments on board Voyager 2 for even longer. For a mission that only had a requirement to last until about 1982, job well done.

Several years ago, I wrote extensively about space probes, including *six* articles about or involving the Voyager probes!

The Brooklyn Public Library has announced that any teenager in America is now eligible for a Brooklyn Public Library card.
Teens can sign out ebooks + audiobooks from wherever they
The move is designed to combat censorship, with some titles listed as "always available."
#library #gop #censorship

Disney World isn't really my thing, and the idea of a giant corporation controlling an entire municipality kind of gives me the willies on principle. Yet Ron DeSantis has managed to make me reconsider both of those things.

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