
In other news, my students routinely give me so much hope for the future of our profession. My attempt to capture some of their unfiltered comments in the wrap-up session of Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets last week:

@GavinThomson The was in reference to the intersection below, used to illustrate pitfall #9 of @sethlaj's brilliant ten pitfalls of 'safe' street design, "Assert that compliance with design manuals will automatically result in enhancements to road safety"

The student's exact quote was "I feel like that sidewalk is sarcastic."

@DrTCombs So Good! Thank you, for this explanation, I love it.

@BenRossTransit @GavinThomson @sethlaj the closest I've ever come to having what I assume was a panic attack was the afternoon I spent canvassing in a neighborhood like that.

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