We--my partner, my kid, and I--have 2 days left to decide whether said kid stays enrolled at her neighborhood elementary school or enrolls in a specialized gifted education program that offers services she very much could use in a different school.

There are pros and cons. But the thing I can't get over is that the other school--the only place in the whole district where these services are offered--is in a no walk/no bike zone. As in kids are literally banned from & there.


This is a big freaking deal. We have always biked to school. We paid far more than we could afford for a house that made this possible. We have arranged our work schedules and lifestyles and vehicle ownership choices around the fact that our kid can ride her bike to school. If you follow me on social media, you know that my identity is wrapped up pretty tight in the idea that kids should be able to walk or .

If we take the offered services, a whole lot will change for our family. If we don't take them, well, we're not sure what will happen but let's just say there are very good reasons they've been offered.

I realize there are much bigger problems out there in the world, but this one is one of our own creation. We choose to build roads with no walking and bicycling facilities. We choose to not build greenways. We choose to underfund our school districts so they have to put schools on cheap land.

We choose to not pay teachers and support staff and thus have to consolidate programs--not to mention federally-mandated services--rather than providing them in mainstream classrooms.

We choose to make children's needs take a backseat to our selfish desires for convenience and cheap everything.

And the kids know it.

[also just to clarify, not looking here for advice on our decision]

[also clarifying - it's a dangerous freaking road. we wouldn't bike on it even if we could]

@DrTCombs that's a tough choice. And it's a horrible choice we as a society have made to force you into this decision.

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