
Watching a parent dropping his kid off at school by this morning is easily the highlight of my week.

@DrTCombs I believe Avery Edison once described the unicycle as the only form of transport that is simultaneously slower and more effort than walking.

@spacehobo I challenge unicycles' elite status. I had one of these in college and am here to say it was slower, harder, and less fun than walking.

@DrTCombs @spacehobo I remember something similar when I was a kid. The wheels were smaller and it was not easy. I doubt anyone got more than a few feet before falling off.

@DrTCombs @spacehobo oh my god i remember these!! your description is spot on 😅

@DrTCombs @spacehobo I have never seen one of those before and now I must know everything. It’s almost like a Flintstones version of one of those “hoverboards”. Just make it out of stone and wood.

@DrTCombs "Cargo Unicycle" is going to be what I call my all-acoustic Men At Work cover band


@enobacon the kid was trotting along behind, but for sure having an easier go of it than her dad.

Nice! How was the kid being moved?

As a unicyclist myself, a decent sized unicycle (e.g. 26"+) can be a practical alternative to walking, but you can't exactly have a child seat like on a bike haha

@sporksmith The kid, who appeared simultaneously concerned, exasperated, and proud, was trotting along behind.

Excellent 🤣. Hopefully next time you see them the kid will be on a uni too!

@DrTCombs There's a dad who now drops his 6th-grade daughter off and picks her up on the Lectric Xpedition and I am so happy to not be the only person carting my middle school kid around on a bike. It's just a pity the streets are too unsafe for these kids to nagivate them independently. I don't want to undo everything they learned in elementary that gives them the confidence to navigate their neighborhood.

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