
friends -- how do your kids keep their legs warm on the ?
My 4th grader is riding her own bike now so a blanket is no longer an option.

Also taking recommendations for handlebar mitts for small people.

Thank you!!

Yes we live in the south but we are wimps and wavering in our commitment to on mornings like today

This morning we went with long underwear under leggings and the feedback was not positive.

The other challenge is that there's no good place to de-layer at school, so I think we need outer layers that can be taken off with shoes on.

Usually a couple layers on the legs is good enough to keep warm, depending on the temp. I'd do long underwear, sweatpants, insulated pants, and sometimes a rain pant to break the wind. But all depends on how cold.

For handlebar mitts, has some children's sizes. The prices are in Canadian dollars, so you know they're warm. 😉

@DrTCombs I worked briefly in Fairbanks AK. Since I was only there for a short time, I didn't want to get all new cold-weather-clothes, so I just wore all my "outdoor" clothes layered. This is was a problem bc it meant that I couldn't undo it easily when I went inside. The locals all had these one-piece insulated coveralls that they could shuck and don in one easy step. It was the better solution. If your ride isn't so long you'd overheat, this may be an option.

@kennypeanuts talk to me about these coveralls

I think basically a wearable, bike-proof blanket that the kid can rip off at the bike rack before going into the school building is what we need

like basketball warmups for the whole body

@kennypeanuts well we are in North Carolina so we can blend in pretty well.
now, to find 'em in xxxxxxxs...

@DrTCombs Not kid approved, but for a single layer I've had good luck with flannel lined pants (though they might be too warm all day indoors) and my sister likes tights made of actual wool for warmth. Also for her hands you can get gloves that have a mitten part that's separate and windproof (not glittens).

They might look sort of tacky, but you might be able to find wind resistant ones (and that's the big thing with cold on the bike): breakaway pants. The type with the snaps on the sides.

@SRLevine YES BREAKAWAY PANTS! That's what we need. Tacky is fine as long as it can be ripped off to reveal the glittery rainbow leggings underneath.

@SRLevine Also I am wearing flannel lined pants right now with no plans to change until the daffodils come up.

@DrTCombs I think they do not make a wool version of glittery rainbow leggins that I know of, which is sort of unfortunate for femme people in colder climates.

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