Y'all, she's 53 inches tall.
4 feet, 5 inches.
And still not tall enough to "be seen."

@DrTCombs only the USA could make a car with the aerodynamics of a brick wall and still get it sold somehow

@racs @DrTCombs if the only thing you have to say about the subject is a personal attack, I'll take that as a win

@racs @DrTCombs my dude, where did I even say anything about your nationality :P

Did you want to talk about oversized cars or just swear into the void?


I've blocked the entire @detroitriotcity.com instance based on this and other exchanges on this post

@DrTCombs sorry for involving you, I realized too late you were still tagged ^^;

@DrTCombs @anthropy
> I've blocked the entire @detroitriotcity.com instance

Great now @admin is going to beat me again. I hope you're proud of yourself @DrTCombs
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