
This is what we think about the school's weekly shame-based behavior report.


Well done! Best place for it!

Here in Plymouth, a number of local Academies which are attached to MATs have been excoriated for their often-draconian “zero tolerance” policies and the awful effects those approaches are having on their mental health & overall education!

This ⤵️ in the Plymouth Herald on December 4. Basically, the article reinforces the opinion I’ve had for some time that the Academisation/ privatisation of schools has been an enormous, costly & tragic failure!

“Tragic Devon teenage suicides prompt warning to multi-academy trusts: Devon mental health charity Summerhouse Services has highlighted the negative impact the academisation system is having on some young people in terms of development, mental health, learning and behaviour“

#Plymouth #Devon #Schools #MAT #Academies #MentalHealth #Suicide

@GeriatricGardener Oh, that's horrifying. Wow--helps motivate me to keep pushing back on these stupid systems we subject our kids to.


I’d certainly encourage you to keep pushing back as hard as you can!

Our young people deserve much better from their schooling than they are currently getting! We should be enabling them to become well-rounded, enlightened human beings who are able to think critically about what they hear and read & make informed decisions!

Imo all our ‘education’ system is doing now is training young people to pass exams & become drones in an increasingly dumbed-down, sterile employment environment!


Parenting win right there, I bet that's a fun parent-child conversation! 👍 I hope the kids get to help light it up.

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