
Ok people: what's the best way to carry a bouquet of by ? It's both day and and both needs must be met!!

@BarbChamberlain I feel like you have immense knowledge here

@DrTCombs @BarbChamberlain I've had reasonable success in the past just carrying them in my pannier. Sometimes they stick out a bit, but if you're not riding too fast, that doesn't really matter.

One time I had my florist design the arrangement to fit in the pannier (see pics), but I recognize that's not really your situation.

I suspect I could also keep them in a messenger bag, if it closed by flap, not zipper, but I haven't tried that myself.

@DrTCombs @BarbChamberlain I don't want to troll, but replacing the flowers with chocolate might be a solution.
My teachers liked it more than flowers anyway.

@DavidHofmann @DrTCombs Flowers AND chocolate FTW.
I usually stick the flowers in one of my panniers and carefully zip it partially closed to hold them a bit. I loop the straps up and over as another support. I've tried riding with them in the bag on my handlebars. It's pretty to look out through blossoms but a bit rough on the flowers.

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