
That blissful sweet spot between 'we don't need to pay for childcare anymore' and 'competitive youth soccer costs HOW MUCH???!!!" did not last nearly as long as I hoped it would

@DrTCombs Oh no… I’m really looking forward to reaching that exact spot, pre-school is so expensive 😭

How bad is soccer?

Oh, is pocket change compared to preschool. But it's still more digits than I expected.

@DrTCombs the rule in this house is no travel sports. I got pretty grumpy going to a game last weekend that was 12 miles away.

For years we have played rec soccer half a mile away.

The next level up isn't travel soccer, but compared to what we're used to it's a big adjustment. There might even be driving involved.

@DrTCombs @jimkreft When our sons were younger there were a couple of summers where we had soccer 4 evenings per week. It was hectic and yes there was driving.

@DrTCombs I was literally just thinking about this today.

But a variant, I guess, to be fair: "it's awesome that we don't have to pay for lessons or summer camp for the big kids anymore," and "oh, wait, college. Right, okay."

@DrTCombs No, it'll all be fine.

Is the thing I keep telling myself.


I was once what’re you are now. In a few years you’ll be glad your kids are out of the house so you can finally travel, and then (surprise!) your elderly parents will need your help shopping, maintaining their residences, and pooping.

@DrTCombs Plus, you thought your schedule was full before!

@DrTCombs But are they old enough to mow the lawn, should a lawn exist?

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