
My dirty fingers give me hope.

A friend's kid needed emergency roadside bike repair this morning on their ride to school, and I happily obliged.

I'm glad my friend's kid has the freedeom to independently, and am glad to be a part of a community that is working to make this possible for more kids.

· Edited · · Elk · 1 · 5 · 34

@DrTCombs one thing I didn't expect about Kidical Mass: we wind up doing *A LOT* of kids' bike repairs at the start of the ride. I think your dirty fingers are fantastic and that a biking community that supports each other with maintenance is a healthier one!

TBH if he had needed anything more complicated than putting his chain back on, I would have just traded bikes with him.

It's been a long time since I've been competent at anything more than the basics!

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