They know public spaces to bike and walk and run are popular and people show up for it. So they use that to advertise that they are . . . taking that space away.

@DrTCombs New proposal: Before any road is opened to cars, they must open it to bikes and pedestrians first. If enough people show up, the road is never opened to cars and remains an active transport corridor.

@DrTCombs This will also apply to existing roads that have been resurfaced

@dx this is truly the best idea I have heard in a very long time.

@dx @DrTCombs Yup. How many times have you seen a "pilot" mobility lane removed due to "low use" etc? If it's okay to do that for mobility lanes, it should be okay to do that for car lanes.

@DrTCombs This reminds me of when they tore down the viaduct in Seattle in 2019, they had a large festival and people were walking all over it and through the tunnels. Everything about planning for cars feels so backwards!

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