
One of the many arguments against allowing right turns on red is that it entices drivers to roll up as close to the intersection as possible, the better to see when a gap appears that they can dart into. This causes them to completely block crosswalks, curb ramps, and beg buttons.

It seems like a little thing...unless you need to use those which case it's a BFD.

@DrTCombs when I used to run up the left side of Trent Ave towards Duke Hospital, I knew that I had to stop for cars with their right turn signals on because about 80% would not look right at all in their rush to get out.

I once was pushing an empty running stroller and waited to the last second to stop as someone rolled the right turn and they looked in shock thinking they had almost killed a baby.

@DrTCombs Also that driver is looking left for a gap in traffic. They are not looking right for people approaching on foot or bike, even if those people legally have the right of way.

@DrTCombs 100% right turn on red shouldn't be allowed in urban areas. had many close calls as a pedestrian from careless drivers only looking left when turning

@DrTCombs it also leads to drivers - even when they can't see the road - honking at another for not turning right during a red light.

Which can lead to exasperating other issues mentioned.

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