Waving cyclists through stop signs when it's not their turn is not "helpful." It's confusing, frustrating, and puts us in harm's way.


@DrTCombs This is why I don't make eye contact with divers at stop signs..... I know what the Right Of Way is and I'll wait for my turn and then go!


Right?? The eye-contact thing is so dumb. We already have a system for how these things work. We don't have to have a conversation about it.


Yes that!

Aaaand I live in a CarCentric Hellscape where, decades ago, the local police decided they were not going to bother even trying to enforce the provincial law covering excessive window tint..... So 8 cars out of 10, I can't even see the stupid driver anyway.

Cyclists, pedestrians, hell even other drivers SHOULD be able to make eye contact with the person in charge of a massive, fast moving, death machine.......

But when we cannot, we have to look out for ourselves, we have to assume that idiot can't and probably won't see us no matter what we do.

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