Waving cyclists through stop signs when it's not their turn is not "helpful." It's confusing, frustrating, and puts us in harm's way.


@DrTCombs This is why I don't make eye contact with divers at stop signs..... I know what the Right Of Way is and I'll wait for my turn and then go!

@DrTCombs @ClintonAnderson Here, we disagree.

Driving regs state who should (or shall) yield the Right of Way in certain situations. But no one “has” the ROW until it has been yielded to them. Assuming otherwise can be fatal, and cyclists are at a disadvantage relative to cars.

I always make eye contact; never assume.


@MarkBrigham @ClintonAnderson
I don't think anyone's saying "just go because it's your turn." Use common sense, don't go if you don't think you'll be yielded to.

But "safety" programs that rely on eye contact in any form are a load of horse crap. Not least because eyes aren't always visible and can't always be trusted even when they are visible.

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@DrTCombs @MarkBrigham


What we do on the water SHOULD be what we do on the roads....

On the water, "The right of way always goes to the more vulnerable user"

@ClintonAnderson @DrTCombs @MarkBrigham "power corrupts" also applies on the water, c.f. wake boats in Portland.

@enobacon @DrTCombs @MarkBrigham No system is perfect, as long as there are people involved.

But there are systems and there are systems

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