
: We're gonna do Missing Middle!

Arl NAACP: About time, you better do it right.

: Um, eightplexes are too much.

Arl NAACP: "The NAACP will not be a bystander as government policies recreate discriminatory effects of the past by preventing people of color from enjoying the same benefits as those living in the county’s wealthiest, whitest neighborhoods."

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@bikepedantic @srepetsk

This is an interesting and fairly nuanced #density debate. As a resident of Prince George's County, I'd love for the debate to be centered on whether to allow 6- or 8-plexes, but to generally accept the concept that #MissingMiddle housing makes sense in the #DMV #DC area. This is a strong letter from the local NAACP branch, particularly if they previously supported the proposal. I don't know that the FHA claim has any legs, but it's worth a discussion to see whether this policy choice is being driven by bias.

@BHeardEsq they have been a vocal supporter of rezoning from the beginning of the study, and the County's own study materials were very explicit about the price/income/race nexus, and the potential for reform to diversify the County. Likewise, i can't judge the viability of any potential claims, but this is a pretty strong shot across the bow, and shouldn't be surprising to the County. @srepetsk

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