
quick, I need a good April fools joke for a six year old to wake up to.

@bikepedantic Knock, knock! Who's there? Noah. Noah who? Noah April Fools' joke?

@bikepedantic when my kid was around that age he begged me for a prank so I poured a bowl of cereal and froze it overnight with the spoon stuck in it.

@dx @bikepedantic The only vegetable our child liked at that age was steamed broccoli. Come to think of it, that's probably still true.

@bikepedantic my best was when I inverted the "April fools this glass of water I'm flinging at you is empty" and splashed my sister with a cup full of water. but you might need to do some setup work to make the joke land

@bikepedantic I think I might do the one where I tell my kid I baked brownies, but underneath the foil there’s just a bunch of cut outs of the letter E made from brown construction paper

@bikepedantic Oreos for breakfast but the cream replaced with toothpaste 🤣

@PirateQueenKate @bikepedantic Oh this is an actual good idea. If I were a 6-year-old, I’d *love* seeing googly eyes on random things everywhere. Tbh, I’d love them at any age. It’d be like a bunch of objects suddenly came to life.

@Lizbon @PirateQueenKate we did this a couple of years ago. Sadly, all my googly eyes are packed away somewhere

@bikepedantic classic you slept through the weekend and it’s another school day ?

@bikepedantic collection notice from the tooth fairy. Get them used to kate stage capitalism early.

@bikepedantic it would take an accomplice, but take her to the zoo, only to arrive to some caution tape and a sign that says “Zoo Closed, Tigers Loose”

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