
Imagine if, instead of BS curbside charging, the EV-car revolution in cities relied on battery-swapping operations (and city-appropo vehicles)

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@bikepedantic The Gogoro scooter setup they have in Taiwan is really interesting in this regard. Having standard, swappable batteries in electric scooters/motorcycles in the US would be awesome. For bikes, too.

Cars would be amazing but we're quite a ways off from the engineering necessary to do them in a way that's feasible across car models. (Yeah, I know, the fisker in the linked article does this but coming up with battery sub-packs that are interchangeable across many different models of cars is a lot harder unfortunately)

@bikepedantic I do think it's time to start mandating battery standards for smaller vehicles, though. Starting from the bottom end (scooters, skateboards, bikes, and motorcycles) would get us quite a ways towards people getting used to battery swapping as an option, and that'd drive car companies towards doing it for cars, too. And if not, well... at least it means fast scooter recharges. :)

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