Older couple standing on a street corner, looks like they were waiting for us, filming our bike bus as we rode by. This is either very good or very bad.

They were smiling, so let's assume that it was good.

Great to see so so many kid-hauling cargobikes out this morn who weren't even on our bike bus. The North Cambridge family biking scene is looking very mainstreamish these days.


We know that every bike ride taken is a positive - it contributes to safety-in-numbers, it hopefully gets counted somehow to justify more facilities, it is cleaner and healthier than alternatives, it helps normalize the behavior, etc etc.

But here's a theory - i think every bike ride can bring happiness to other riders. Validates us, lets us know that we're not alone, gives us hope that all the fights are leading us to a marginally-better future.

So go take a ride, because it makes me happy.

@bikepedantic I’m always a lil happier when I see someone cruise past on the clunkiest big cargo e-bike with full panniers and maybe a kiddo or two

@bikepedantic I was out getting bagels this morning and saw someone ride by with two kids in two little seats on their bike, and it was like, that's cool, and also dang... so much respect! (I was huffing and puffing biking my groceries home a couple days ago with zero kids on my bike.)

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