Two fun facts that I learned while attempting our first behind-sched bike sprint to swim lessons at Tuft University:

1. The southern approach of College Ave does not align with the northern approach of College Ave across Powderhouse Circle,

2. If you google ‘Tufts Pool,’ it takes you to a public pool called ‘Tufts Pool’ that is not in fact the Tufts University pool.


PS: I haven't looked at Somerville's new bike plan, but if nothing else, if College Ave could get two directions of bike facilities the whole way, i'd be really really happy.

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@bikepedantic having done bike ped counts at college, bus lanes and wider sidewalks are more important in that narrow area. Pedestrians and bus riders heavily outnumber bicyclists, and don't even have the number of cyclists compared to areas without bike lanes

@bikepedantic I suppose we could get rid of cars completely on college, but we lack the leadership bold enough to do so

@inliuofjoan @bikepedantic

I used to routinely use Powder House Circle, but have changed my bike commute to avoid the circle since the repaint because I hate the new configuration so much. When it doesn't make sense for me to bypass it entirely, I take the motor lane.

@athorn @bikepedantic that's too bad. I rarely bike it myself so don't have a strong opinion, but the new configuration should let you more easily take the motor lane, I hope?

@inliuofjoan @bikepedantic

The motor lane might be slightly better than before, as long as I don't get tricked into thinking that the bike lane is a good place to be. The only thing that really bothered me about the intersection before was the red light *in* the roundabout.

The good news is that I haven't gotten a lot of pushback from drivers about taking the lane.

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