
“It’s been a bit confusing because it’s walkable and bikeable,” said Shahar Bracha, 29. “People have been using it all the time. Every time they close [the fence] people open it again and use it. Why not just open it?”

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@bikepedantic unfinished paint-only bike lanes that vanish without warning are the norm throughout the transportation system... but when they build something new, they worry about getting sued over some unfinished hazard?

@enobacon @bikepedantic
I think (lacking at-the-moment access to the article) that the ADA access isn't done right, unlike our ADA-compliant interstates and stroads.

@dr2chase @enobacon @bikepedantic

This is my understanding as well. There's a subtle point here, that if they are permitted to open new infrastructure before it is ADA compliant, that can be a backdoor way of "never getting around to" compliance. It doesn't feel fair, but the alternative is arguably even less fair.

@dr2chase @enobacon @bikepedantic

But also, I seem to recall a news story about an actually dangerous infrastructure failure somewhere along the Greenline Extension Bike Path, which was brought up as a reason why yes, it's not ready.

@athorn @dr2chase @bikepedantic but they're providing a safe and ADA-compliant alternate route in the meantime of course? Or just expect people to drive while they're working on it?

@enobacon @dr2chase @bikepedantic

That's where I think "this doesn't feel fair" comes into it. And old infrastructure is not held to the same standards as new infrastructure.

@bikepedantic Municipalities use ADA as an excuse the way anti-vaxers use HIPAA as an excuse. It's frustrating as municipalities are some of the most flaggrant ADA violators since they aren't lucrative targets for plaintiff's laywers. How often do you see tactile paving at intersections replaced by asphalt? This seems like poor contracting by the state (shocker). If you can't open it, that's not a punch list issue. It's substantially complete, throw some cones around the problem bits.

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