
TIL that Cambridge DPW has summer interns doing new street-tree watering with this cargobike. The intern I spoke to said that they’re upgrading to e-cargobikes soon.

I love this city.

By the way, if Cambridge DPW doesn't paint their new fleet in their corporate "The Works" livery, then i retract everything nice I've ever said about them.

The DPW cargobiking street tree intern team is back on my street right now, and it makes me so goddamn happy.

@bikepedantic Does that mean the city will be selling a used cargo bike 🤔​

@Kevin Auction off a few excessed branded manhole covers, they'll pay off that Mass Ave bond

@mahhkk @bikepedantic I’m a simple man, I just want a sticker for my bright orange cargo bike

@bikepedantic are they just transporting hoses and stuff, or also moving water?

@enobacon hoses and stuff. I think they’re tapping hydrants for water

@bikepedantic maybe the DPW can make the street sweeping announcements with one of these instead of a plow truck?

@Ofsevit I dunno, bikes got enough bad rep around here. Watering trees is like the cantabrigian 10 Hail Marys

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